Understand Your Numbers

Why you need to know your numbers

I’ve been meeting with a lot of panicked business owners over the last year and the reason they were so concerned was, quite simply, they didn’t know their numbers. As soon as I ran some webinars showing them how better to understand their numbers and also to put together a simple cashflow things fell more into place.

You see, the thing is, when you don’t have any certainty in your life then you get anxious. So the more certainty you can bring the better you feel. Once you start putting together some cashflow projections you can actually see what the future will look like. You can make predictions based on your current situation and get a feel for the problems (or opportunities) you might encounter.

Multi UK Award Winning Accountant & Business Advisor

My Mission

“Small Businesses are the backbone of every local economy providing employment opportunities, supporting local community where 90% of their cash stays local. Without them I don’t have a business and without each other we don’t have a community!”

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